
Your health starts with your spine.
Did you know that by normalizing your spine,
you can protect yourself from many problems?
Such as headaches, insomnia, chronic fatigue,
back and lower back pain, internal organ diseases,
and numbness in your arms and legs.

About Us

Nuga Medical Co., Ltd. (South Korea) is a world leader in the production and sale of equipment for the prevention and restoration of health.

Founded in 2002 by the famous designer of medical equipment Cho Seung Hyun, the company quickly gained popularity in the world market. Today, millions of people improve their health with the help of massagers and other Nuga Best products. There are more than 3,500 showrooms in 130 countries.

Nuga Best equipment has its own history. The first massage bed was developed by medical engineer and inventor Cho Seung Hyun for his mother. The woman worked hard to raise six children. As she got older, her back hurt badly. The desire to help his mother restore her health inspired Cho Seung Hyun to painstaking searches and experiments, as a result of which the first Nuga Best back massager was created.

The success of the massager at home and the mother’s recovery led to further developments. This is how the Nuga Best product line was created: back and foot massagers, tourmaline projectors, knee pads, carpets – allowing many people to use them daily at home to improve their health and quality of life.

The uniqueness and main advantage of all products is the use of tourmaline ceramics – a patented invention of the Nuga Best company. The company has 13 awards for inventions and 10 patents, including a patent for a new generation of tourmaline ceramics using nanodiamonds. Nuga Best products have been repeatedly awarded the title of “Brand of the Year”.

All Nuga Best products are sold exclusively through showrooms of official representatives – this is the main principle of the company, allowing customers to protect themselves from buying counterfeits.

We recognize the value of each person and bring a new culture of health and longevity, improving the quality of life.

That’s how we are made!

Our Products

  • Massage bed N6

    Massage bed N6 - new technologies for complex prevention and treatment of spinal diseases. The result of joint long -term research and developments of NUGA Medical and the Institute of Fraunhofer. N6 is -The return of the spine in orthopedically correct position, removal of pain, excellent sleep, beautiful posture, Stress removal, strong immunity, soft movement joints, excellent work of the cardiovascular system. Prevention from getting rid of intervertebral hernias,protrusions, varicose veins.

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  • E5 Foot Massager

    The E5 Foot Massager from Nuga Best is an excellent solution for those who have long dreamed of acquiring a “home masseur” by a reflexology specialist who can help your tired, painful legs. The massager has 3 methods of exposure: reflexology, myostimulation, thermal massage, it helps to reduce the feeling of heaviness in the legs, removes swelling and pain in the knees and also helps to relax, restore strength.

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  • NM-80 tourmanium carpet

    The NM-80 tourmanium carpet is a universal massager from Nuga Besta, which has many useful functions. It helps to strengthen immunity, which is especially important in the season of flu and colds, strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory system, promotes the normal metabolism, stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves blood circulation, helps restore the functioning of joints and muscles, promotes skin rejuvenation, and helps to remove slacks And toxins, eliminates cellulite and normalizes weight.

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  • Tourmaline mat T11P

    Tourmaline mat Nuga Best T11P with nanodiamond tourmaline ceramics (NDT) for individual use. Not getting enough sleep? Feeling a loss of energy during the day? If you have difficulty falling asleep in the evening and feel exhausted in the morning, we offer a way out of the vicious circle of fatigue. Electric mat T11P from Nuga Best is 4 useful actions at the same time: RELAX, WARM UP, RELEASE STRESS and RESTORE STRENGTH at the same time.

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  • Tourmaline pillow NM-30

    The new NM-30 is an original elastic pillow with 110 rectangular tourmaline plates on its surface. The pillow ensures the correct position of the head and neck during sleep due to its precisely selected size and height, helps to align the spine, improves cerebral circulation and is effective in the fight against insomnia.

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  • Eye patch HC-1

    We receive 90% of information about the world around us through our eyes. At the same time, a huge number of people of different ages know firsthand what visual impairment is.

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Client Reccommendations

  • Shira HM-80

    Shira Fryman 18 years old Last winter I had a severe case of flu which turned into pneumonia and after a course of antibiotics I felt much better, but I suffered greatly from a persistent cough which did not leave me for a long time. On the advice of my father I decided to regularly warm up on the NM-80 mat and, lo and behold, the cough left me after two days of warming up. Now this is my favorite mat! Thank you to the Nuga Best company for the wonderful equipment which helped me so much to heal from the consequences of bilateral pneumonia.

  • Mark-E5

    Mark Freiman 84 years old Two years ago I had surgery to remove a malignant tumor on my leg. After the surgery I suffered from severe nagging pain (during the surgery they apparently damaged my nerve) After two weeks of daily use of the E-5 device the pain left me. I am very grateful to the Nuga Best company for not waking up at night from pain in my leg.

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    Nugabest distribution centers in Israel

    The Center for spine health, Rehovot

    Distribution Centers Will Be available in the near future